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Choose Happier Together with Wall's Ice-Cream

WALL's Logo
Wall's Brand Image

Wall’s is one of the largest and most loved ice cream brands in Malaysia - We aim to build a happier, more inclusive world, one street at a time with Human Happiness Moment.

We want a world with more joy and that’s why we inspire people to take a moment away from seriousness, stress, duties, expectations... just like when you’re holding an ice cream. Our philosophy is quite simple, Live from the Heart!

You might have noticed our heart-shaped logo. It’s in every high street around the world, a sign that says ‘here there’s joy!’. And you can find our logo on so many of the world’s favourite ice creams, including Magnum, Cornetto, Paddle Pop, and Carte D’Or.

As one of Unilever’s leading brands, Wall’s has always added vitality to your life – while being responsible about good nutrition. That’s why we’re constantly adjusting our range to keep up with changing needs. Smaller sizes for smaller appetites and old favourites for those nostalgia lovers- there’s always something for everyone. After all, we have been providing Malaysia’s leading pleasure food for the past 60 years.

Contact Unilever about Wall's

If you have any questions or comments about Wall's, please visit our contact page.

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